The translation of an Arabic Juma Khutba (Friday Khutba) is presented below to let the readers have a general understanding of the content, message and spirit of a typical Friday Khutba. This Khutba is very popular in India and is recited frequently by Imams in Friday Prayers.
Juma Khutba Translation
“After glorifying Allah and invoking Allah’s blessings on the Prophet-
O people! adopt the principle of Tawheed (i.e. believe in Allah as One in His Being and Attributes and do not ascribe any partner to Him), because Tawheed is the highest form of faithfulness to Allah and the greatest deed.
Show consideration and propriety to Allah as it is the root of all virtuous deeds. Hold strongly to the ways of the Prophet(blessings and peace be on him) because the ways of the Prophet (Sunnah) lead one to submission and obedience to Allah, and he who obeys Allah and the Prophet is on the straight path and reaches his destination.
Always stay away from innovations (Bid’ah), because they lead one to disobedience to Allah ultimately resulting in his going astray.
Adopt the path of truth throughout your life, because truth leads to deliverance and falsehood causes destruction.
Adopt the practice of doing good to others because those who do so are dear to Allah. Never lose hope in the mercy of Allah because He is the Most Merciful. Do not fall in love with the temporal world lest you should lose everything.
Remember, nobody meets his death until his last provision in the world has reached him. It is, therefore, futile to try to earn livelihood by disobeying Allah and disregarding Islamic laws.
To achieve your aims adopt only such means which are good and keep in mind the difference between the allowed (halal) and the forbidden (haram), the appropriate and the inappropriate.
Trust in Allah in all your matters because He cares so much for those who repose trust in Him.
Do not show laziness in supplicating to Allah because Allah listens to all and accepts their supplications.
Keep on asking Him for His forgiveness for your sins and keep on offering repentance to Him; this will create abundance (Barakah) in your property and progeny.
Allah says in the Quran:

And your Lord says, “Call upon Me; I will respond to you.” Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell [rendered] contemptible. [40 : 60]
May Allah give you and me in abundance from the riches of the Quran and help you and me with its verses and its teachings of wisdom.
I pray to Allah to forgive you and me and all other Muslims. You also seek forgiveness from Him. Indeed, He is the Most Forgiving, the Most Merciful.”
P.S. The above passage is a translation of a popular Juma Khutba which is given before Friday Prayers (Juma Namaz). In this Muslims are given a brief overview of Islamic teachings and encouragement to follow Islam in their daily lives.