Hazrat Abdullaah bin Umar who is a famous Sahabi reports that Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was standing on the steps leading to the Kabaa when he praised Allah and said:
“All praise belongs to Allah Who has fulfilled His promise, assisted His servant and defeated the hordes by Himself.
Take note that a person killed with whipping or beating with a stick falls in the category of manslaughter, for which the blood money is hundred camels, forty of which must be pregnant.
You should also take note that every act of pride and murder during the Period of Ignorance now lie trampled beneath my two feet.
All that I shall be restoring to those who had been doing it are the services of tending to the House of Allah and of providing water to the people performing Hajj.”1
Hazrat Abdullaah bin Umar narrates that Prophet Muhammad was riding his camel Qaswaa as he performed Tawaaf of the Kabaa.
He was using the opposite end of his stick to touch the corners of the Kabaa and wherever he tried to make the camel sit inside the Masjidul Haraam, it would be where people already had their hands (already occupied).
Prophet Muhammad therefore left with the camel to the channel where water drained and it was there that the camel was made to sit.
Sitting on his camel, Prophet Muhammad then started to address the people. After duly praising Allah, he said:
“O people! Allah has eliminated the things you took pride in during the Period of Ignorance and the pride you took in your forefathers.
There are now only two types of people. One is the righteous person with Taqwa (fear of Allah) who is honoured in the sight of Allah and the other is the sinful wretch who is insignificant in Allah’s sight.
Allah says:

“O people! We have certainly created you from a single male (Aadam) and female (Hawwa) and made you into various families (nations) and tribes so that you may recognise each other (so that eachperson may know where he belongs and who others are).
(Your differences in lineage and race does not give any of you superiority over others because) Verily, the most honoured of you in Allah’s sight is the one with the most Taqwa. Allah is certainly All Knowing, Informed (Only He knows whose Taqwa is best).” [Quran 49: 13]
Prophet Muhammad then concluded by saying, “That is all I have to say for now. I seek Allah’s forgiveness for myself and for you all.”
1. Ibn Maajah (Pg. 478)
2. Ibn Abi Haatimn and Abd bin Humayd, as quoted in the Tafseer of Ibn Katheer (Vol. 4, Pg. 218)