The Hindus has been very well-known for heroworship. This trait of their character, as a matter of fact, forms part of their religion.
Mahrishi Vyasa is greatly esteemed among the Hindus as a great rishi and learned divine. They regard him as a very pious, God-fearing and pure-hearted man.
He was the man who arranged the Vedas under various heads. He also wrote a valuable book on mysticism. The Gita and the Mahabharat too were the productions of his masterly pen.
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Hindu Scripture – Bhavishya Purana
But his greatest compilation is the eighteen volumes of Puranas. Chief among the Puranas is a book known as ‘Bhavishya Purana, in which the Maharishi Vyasa makes a wonderful survey of the coming events. It is called Bhavishya Puran because it gives an account of the future events.
The Hindus regard Puranas as the work of God just as the Vedas are and Mahrishi Vyasa as just the compiler of the book, the real author being God Himself.
Related: Muhammad in Vedas, Upanishads and Purans
Prophet Muhammad in Bhavishya Purana
The copy of the Bhavishya Purana, from which we quote the following prophecies, was printed in the Venkteshwar Press at Bombay.
Following are the prophecies about Prophet Muhammad in Bhavishya Purana and their English translation:

Translation: A malechha (belonging to a foreign country and speaking foreign language) spiritual teacher will appear with his companions. His name will be Muhammad.

Translation: Raja (Bhoj) after givig this Maha Dev Arab (of angelic disposition) a bath in the “Panchgawa’ and the Ganges water, (i.e. purging him of all sins offered him the presents) of his sincere devotion and showing him all reverence said. I make obeisance to thee’.

Translation: ‘O Ye! the pride of mankind, the dweller in Arabia, Ye have collected a great force to kill the Devil and you yourself have been protected from the malechha opponents’. ‘
O Ye! the image of the Most Pious God the biggest Lord, I am a slave to thee, take me as one lying on thy feet”.1
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Features of Muhammad in Bhavishya Purana
In this eulogy of the Holy Prophet Muhammad , Maharishi Vyasa has enumerated the following points:
- The name of the Prophet is clearly stated as Muhammad.
- He is said to belonging to Arabia. The Sanskrit word marusthal used in the prophecy means a sandy tract of land or desert.
- Special mention is made of the companions of the Prophet. There has hardly been any other Prophet in the world who had such a host of companions all resembling him.
- He will be immune from sins, having an angelic disposition.
- The Raja of India will show him his heart-felt reverence.
- The Prophet will be given protection against his enemies.
- He will kill Devil, root out idol-worship and will do away with all sorts of vices.
- He will be an image of the All-powerful God.
- The Mahrishi claims to be lying at his feet.
- He is regarded as the pride of mankind (Parbatis Nath).
This prophecy is as clear as day-light, there being not a shadow of doubt as to its application to the Prophet Muhammad.
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An Objection and its Answer
Some people, however, have raised an objection that the raja of whom this prophecy makes a mention was named as Bhoj who lived in the 11th century A.D. and was the descendant in the tenth generation of Raja Shalivahan. Raja Bhoj, thus, came into the world five hundred years after the advent of the Prophet.
But names in prophecies, as we have stated before, do not matter much. Names are also given as a prophecy and often these names have to be given an interpretation.
Moreover, there was not only one raja of the name of Bhoj.
Just as the Egyptian monarchs were known as Pharaohs and the Roman kings were called Caesars, similarly, the Indian rajas were given the epithet of Bhoj.
Several rajas who lived before the above-mentioned Raja Bhoj had the same kingly name.
We find a mention of Raja Bhoj made in an old Sanskrit book “Aitarya Brahmana’.
Similarly Panni, who was a renowned grammarian of Sanskrit and lived long before Islam, also refers to Bhoj, his cities and his offsprings.
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Bhavishya Purana Clearly Names Muhammad
The above prophecy gives clearly the name of the prophet as Muhammad which shows that it applies to none other but the prophet of Islam.
Another point which required elucidation, is, the Prophet’s taking bath in ‘Panchgavya’ and the water of the Ganges.
This did not, of course, actually happen as it was only a vision; so we give it the interpretation that the Prophet will be purged of and made immune from all sorts of sins.
These waters are considered to be very holy and sacred and they make people sinless, just as the water of the river Jordan is sacred to the Christians and that of Zamzam to the Muslims.
The Mahrishi Vyasa has regarded the Holy Prophet Muhammad as absolutely pious and sinless and showing his true loyalty and reverence to him has desired to lie at his feet.
We appeal to our Hindu brethren in the light of the above facts, who believe in these Divine Scriptures and deify their religious leaders, to ponder over what Mahrishi Vyasa has said about the Prophet and believing in the Prophet to obey the commandments of God and to fulfill the heart-felt desire of the Mahrishi!
1. Bhavishya Purana Prati Sarg Parv ii ; 3.3.5-6.
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